
Being able to develop an expertise in practice has been a long-term dream for many and although this project is a small step towards fulfilling this dream, it’s a giant leap for social work as its initial application enhances the status of our profession. Although this project is referred to as a long-term dream, it’s really more of a necessity.
The applications for this project are enormous as it has the potential to improve practice for thousands of social workers whether they are field, residential, mental health, education, probation, foster carers, counselling, etc. It has so many applications, it’s difficult to list them all as each aspect has multiple benefits. For example, being skilled in problem solving has endless possibilities as it can be used in all areas of practice, such as helping clients solve problems, treating mental health, management, casework planning, supervision, personal wellbeing, resolving troublesome situations, improving relationships, problem solving courts, etc.
If we extend our professional capabilities to assess and identify the root causes of problematic behaviours together with having (ready-made) ways to resolve them, would have dramatic implications for how society treats people who experience social, emotional, and psychological difficulties.
Another application would be having the ability to apply self-development programmes that help people increase their coping abilities, improve personal qualities, discover ways to achieve success and develop their potential. This would be of considerable value to most people regardless of whether they are a client or a practitioner.
Many of the applications could be combined and used by probation officers to reduce prison sentencing and recidivism rates, as it certainly provides a more constructive alternative to ‘lock them up and throw away the key’ mentality.
Practitioners know that the diversity of the work makes it very complicated and those who want to be smarter, do more and do better, will instantly recognise the importance of having quick access to a growing knowledge-base that endeavours to provide the tools to do the job.