Introduction - BASW Professional Capability Framework

The ‘British Associate of Social Workers (BASW) first devised the Professional Capability Framework (PCF) in 2012 which was revised in 2017/18
It identified three key areas of 1) Purpose, 2) Practice and 3) Impact which has been sub-divided into about 15+ categories together with certain skills. They also recommended these subjects are developed in stages so they can be taught to practitioners in accordance with their level of experience i.e., Students, First Year, Qualified, Experienced, Advanced, Strategic.
It should be made clear that BASW’s framework only provides an outline as many of the individual areas have not yet been developed. Therefore, to ensure the projects relevance, the modules being developed comply with BASW’s Professional Capability Framework.
Therefore, the Purpose of this project, is to enhance Practice with the intended Impact of improving the outcomes to our clients.